{ "de": { "Impressum": "Impressum", "Donations": "Spenden", "Cookie settings": "Cookie-Einstellungen", "zoomin": "Hineinzoomen um Daten anzuzeigen", "Query": "Abfrage", "Object": "Objekt", "locate": "Springe zur aktuellen Position", "Alternate language": "Alternative Sprache", "show-legend": "Zeige Legende", "close-legend": "Schließe Legende", "cookies-popup": "Diese Website verwendet Cookies.

Diese Cookies sind für die einwandfreie Funktionalität der Webseite notwendig und speichern keine persönlich identifizierbaren Informationen.
Allerdings können bestimmte Browser diese Cookies blockieren oder Sie darauf hinweisen. Seien Sie sich bewusst, dass das Blockieren dieser Cookies die Funktionalität der Webseite beeinträchtigt.", "cookies-popup2": "
Derzeit werden $1 Cookies gespeichert.", "all": "alle", "no": "keine", "accept": "akzeptieren", "reject": "ablehnen", "This function requires cookies": "Dieses Funktion benötigt Cookies.", "Search city": "Suche Admingrenze", "Nothing found.": "Nichts gefunden.", "not found": "nicht in der Datenbank gefunden.", "Use * as wildcard": "* als Wildcard verwenden", "Country": "Land", "Cantons": "Kantone", "All the layers": "Alle Layer", "Base layers" : "Hintergrundkarte", "Overlays": "Datenlayer", "WrongCityNames": "Falsche Ortsnamen", "Postcode Boundaries DEU": "PLZ-Grenzen", "Admin Boundaries AL8": "Admingrenzen AL8", "Admin Boundaries AL9": "Admingrenzen AL9", "Admin Boundaries AL10": "Admingrenzen AL10", "Close": "Schließen", "closed": "geschlossen", "Jump to location": "Springe zur Fehlerstelle", "Edit with": "Bearbeite mit", "copied to clipboard": "wurde in das Clipboard kopiert", "Object has been modified": "Objekt wurde geändert", "Object has been deleted": "Objekt wurde gelöscht", "oswl-cookies-popup": "Diese Website verwendet Cookies.

Diese Cookies sind für die einwandfreie Funktionalität der Webseite notwendig und speichern keine persönlich identifizierbaren Informationen.
Konkret werden in zwei Cookies Seitenlänge (10,25,100,250,500) und Spaltenbreiten der Tabelle abgespeichert. In einem dritten Cookie wird abgespeichert, dass Sie diese Mitteilung gelesen haben und ein vierter Cookie merkt sich die Sprachauswahl.
Allerdings können bestimmte Browser diese Cookies blockieren oder Sie darauf hinweisen. Seien Sie sich bewusst, dass das Blockieren dieser Cookies die Funktionalität der Webseite beeinträchtigt.", "oswl-button-text": "gelesen und verstanden", "oswl-donation-header": "Spenden", "wrong city names in DB": "fehlerhafte Ortsnamen in der DB", "new": "neue", "on screen": "im Fenster", "See graph": "Siehe Grafik", "Mark as closed": "Item als geschlossen markieren", "Mark as open": "Item als offen markieren", "Mark as false failure": "Item als 'falschen Fehler' markieren", "Mark items as closed": "Items als geschlossen markieren", "Mark items as open": "Items als offen markieren", "Mark items as false failure": "Items als 'falschen Fehler' markieren", "Planet": "Planet", "too-many-boundaries": "Too many boundaries selected.\nPlease use the CLI with parameters like &from_al, &to_al and &exportLayout.\nFor help press Info/Help button.", "too-many-countries": "Too many countries selected.\nPlease use the CLI with parameters like &from_al, &to_al and &exportLayout.\nFor help press Info/Help button.", "Boundaries_splash#1": "Wegen eine Absturzes der nächlichen Auswertung sind die Live-Daten noch nicht aktuell. Der Fehler wurde beseitigt und die Daten sollten um ca 14:30 Uhr aktualisiert sein." }, "en": { "Incidences AUT": "Incidences AT", "Incidences CHE": "Incidences CH", "Incidences DEU": "Incidences DE", "zoomin": "Zoom in to show data", "locate": "Hump to current position", "show-legend": "Show legend", "close-legend": "Close legend", "cookies-popup": "These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and do not store any personally identifiable information.
However, certain browsers may block these cookies or you point this out. Be aware that blocking these cookies will affect the functionality of the website.", "cookies-popup2": "
Currently $1 cookies are stored.", "HCsplash#1": "Release 2.4.1 of Healthcare Map has been published.


- This info screen

- Donation functionality added.", "EMsplash#1": "Release 7.4.1 of Emergency Map has been published.


- This info screen

- Donation functionality added.", "oswl-impressum": "Impressum", "oswl-cookies-popup": "These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and do not store any personally identifiable information.
Specifically, two cookies store page lengths (10,25,100,250,500) and column widths of the table. A third cookie stores the fact that you have read this message and a fourth cookie stores the language selection.
However, certain browsers may block these cookies or you point this out. Be aware that blocking these cookies will affect the functionality of the website.", "oswl-button-text": "read and understood", "oswl-intro-text": "This list represents a compilation of many software products that are important in OSM environment. Be it for developers or users.", "oswl-footer-text": "If a software missing or should be wrong something, please leave a message to me (wambacher@posteo.de) or in the german forum (english welcome).", "oswl-donation-header": "Donations", "oswl-switch-locale": "", "oswl-en-locale": " English", "oswl-de-locale": " German", "oswl-fr-locale": " French", "Planet": "Planet", "too-many-boundaries": "Too many boundaries selected.\nPlease use the CLI with parameters like &from_al, &to_al and &exportLayout.\nFor help press Info/Help button.", "too-many-countries": "Too many countries selected.\nPlease use the CLI with parameters like &from_al, &to_al and &exportLayout.\nFor help press Info/Help button." }, "fr": { "Impressum": "Mentions légales", "Donations": "Dons", "Cookie settings": "Paramètres des cookies", "Medical practitioners": "Médecins praticiens", "Doctors": "Médecins", "Doctor": "Médecin", "Paediatricians": "Pédiatres", "Paediatrician": "Pédiatre", "Dentists": "Dentistes", "Dentist": "Dentiste", "Medical facilities": "Installations médicales", "Pharmacies": "Pharmacies", "Pharmacy": "Pharmacie", "Clinics": "Cliniques", "Clinic": "Clinique", "Hospitals": "Hospitalité", "Hospital": "Hôpital", "Vaccination Centres": "Centres de vaccination", "Vaccination Center": "Centre de vaccination", "Sample Collections": "Centres de test Covid19", "Sample Collection": "Centre de test Covid19", "Incidences AUT": "Incidents AT", "Incidences CHE": "Incidents CH", "Incidences DEU": "Incidents DE", "zoomin": "Zoomer pour voir les données", "Query": "Demander", "Object": "FR Object", "locate": "Sprine à la position actuelle", "Alternate language": "Langue alternate", "show-legend": "Montrer la Légende", "close-legend": "Fermer la légende", "cookies-popup": "Ces cookies sont nécessaires au bon fonctionnement du site web et ne stockent aucune information personnelle identifiable.
Toutefois, certains navigateurs peuvent bloquer ces cookies ou vous en informer. Veuillez noter que le blocage de ces cookies affectera la fonctionnalité du site web.", "cookies-popup2": "
Actuellement $1 cookies sont stockés.", "all": "tous les", "no": "non les", "accept": "accepter", "reject": "déclin", "This function requires cookies": "Cette fonction nécessite des cookies", "Search city": "Recherche de ville", "Nothing found.": "Rien trouvé.", "not found": "pas trouvé dans la base de données.", "Use * as wildcard": "Utiliser * comme joker", "Country": "Pais", "Cantons": "Cantons", "All the layers": "Toutes les couches", "Base layers" : "Carte de fond", "Overlays": "Superpositions", "Firefighters": "Pompier", "Fire Stations": "Casernes de pompiers", "Fire Station": "Caserne de pompiers", "Hydrants": "Hydrants", "Sirens": "Sirènes", "Siren": "Sirène", "Medical Rescue": "Sauvetage médical", "Emergency Access Points": "Points de sauvetage", "Emergency Access Point": "Point de sauvetage", "Emergency Assembly Points": "Points d'assemblage", "Emergency Assembly Point": "Point d'assemblage", "Emergency Phones": "Téléphones d'urgence", "Emergency Phone": "Téléphone d'urgence", "Ambulance Stations": "Stations d'ambulancet", "Ambulance Station": "Station d'ambulancet", "Emergency Services": "Services d'urgence", "Emergency Service": "Service d'urgence", "Defibrillators": "Défibrillateurs", "Defibrillator": "Défibrillateur", "First Aid Kits": "Kits de premiers secours", "First Aid Kit": "Kit de premiers secours", "Landing Sites": "Sites d'atterrissage", "Landing Site": "Site d'atterrissage", "Emergency Ward Entrances": "Entrées des services d'urgence", "Emergency Ward Entrance": "Entrée du service des urgences", "Liveguards": "Sauvetage aquatique", "Rescue Stations": "Autres stations", "Other": "Autre", "HCsplash#1": "La version 2.4.1 de Healthcare Map a été publiée.


- Cet écran d'information

- Ajout d'une fonctionnalité de don.", "EMsplash#1": "La version 7.4.1 de Emergency Map a été publiée.


- Cet écran d'information

- Ajout d'une fonctionnalité de don.", "Close": "Fermer", "Incidences": "Incidences", "Timestamp": "Horodatage", "oswl-cookies-popup": "Ces cookies sont nécessaires au bon fonctionnement du site web et ne stockent aucune information personnelle identifiable.
Plus précisément, deux cookies enregistrent la longueur des pages (10,25,100,250,500) et la largeur des colonnes du tableau. Un troisième cookie enregistre le fait que vous avez lu ce message et un quatrième cookie enregistre la sélection de la langue.

Toutefois, certains navigateurs peuvent bloquer ces cookies ou vous en informer. Veuillez noter que le blocage de ces cookies affectera la fonctionnalité du site web.", "oswl-button-text": "lu et compris", "oswl-intro-text": "Cette liste est une compilation de nombreux produits logiciels qui sont importants dans l'environnement OSM. Que ce soit pour les développeurs ou les utilisateurs.", "oswl-footer-text": "Si un logiciel manque ou si quelque chose ne va pas, veuillez me laisser un message (wambacher@posteo.de) ou dans le forum allemand (anglais bienvenu).", "oswl-donation-header": "Dons", "oswl-switch-locale": "", "oswl-en-locale": " Anglais", "oswl-de-locale": " Allemand", "oswl-fr-locale": " Français", "Release Date": "Erscheinungsdatum", "Platform": "Plattform", "Platforms": "Plattformen", "All platforms": "Alle Plattformen", "Software name contains:": "Name der Software enthält:", "Class": "Klasse", "other": "andere", "Load records": "Lade Daten", "Planet": "Planète", "too-many-boundaries": "Too many boundaries selected.\nPlease use the CLI with parameters like &from_al, &to_al and &exportLayout.\nFor help press Info/Help button.", "too-many-countries": "Too many countries selected.\nPlease use the CLI with parameters like &from_al, &to_al and &exportLayout.\nFor help press Info/Help button." }, "es": { "Planet": "Planeta", "too-many-boundaries": "Too many boundaries selected.\nPlease use the CLI with parameters like &from_al, &to_al and &exportLayout.\nFor help press Info/Help button.", "too-many-countries": "Too many countries selected.\nPlease use the CLI with parameters like &from_al, &to_al and &exportLayout.\nFor help press Info/Help button." } }